Thursday, January 30, 2025

Civil War Field Trip Associated with New Class

Chris Mackowski, of the Jandoli School of Communications, and Phillip Payne, professor of history, are team teaching History 320: The Civil War and Reconstruction.  This is the first time the Civil War and Reconstruction has been taught at SBU in around 20 years. We're excited to do this and experimenting with collaborative ways to teach history. 

Taking advantage of his work with the Emerging Civil War (Dr. Mackowski is the co-founder and Editor and Chief) and the American Battlefield Trust, he has arranged a series of guest speakers bringing a real depth and breadth of expertise to the class. 

Students in the class, and members of the university community, are invited to join a field trip to tour Gettysburg, Antietam and Harpers Ferry on April 4 - 7. If you are interested contact either Chris Mackowski or Phillip Payne for cost and details.

Phillip Payne chairs panel on civics education


Phillip Payne chaired the session “Citizens: the Past, Present, and Future of History and Civics Education. American Historical Association, New York City: January 3 – 6, 2025. The panelist represented faculty from education and history discussed the relationship between history and civics education in k-12 and higher education.